Food and Drink2024-01-03T23:58:20-07:00

Food & Drink

“It’s the little things: playing a meaningful song, cooking a favorite meal, sending a heartfelt note. The Karen Crouse way is more about thought and effort than money.”

The fresh foods and fine wines available to us in the Napa Valley are unparalleled. Every day, I am reminded how grateful I am to live here. Grocery shopping is one of my favorite adventures. The seasonal produce available to us is so fresh and abundant. Many of us have gardens as well. It doesn’t get more fresh than plucking produce from your own yard.

Visit my About page for featured recipes as seen in Napa Valley Life magazine.

Pain Perdu

Pain Perdu is a decadent option for Sunday brunch and classic addition to all Mardi Gras gatherings.

Insalata Caprese

If I could describe what summer tastes like, it would be this salad, and its mosaic of garden-fresh ingredients makes an impressive presentation.

BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders

Pulled pork is a popular Southern dish that all ages find appealing. This recipe almost registers zero on the cooking difficulty meter, yet it registers ten on the enjoyment meter. I like to serve this when I need a help-yourself option for my gatherings.